We are over the moon to announce that we’ve been awarded ‘Best Multi Part Scream Event’ at the 2019 ScareCON awards following our two nominations this year.
Continue reading “FearFest-Evil wins ‘Best Multi Part Scream Event’ at the 2019 ScareCON awards”ScareCon SCAR Award Nominations for FearFest-Evil
We’re over the moon to announce that FearFest-Evil, The Rising has been nominated for two SCAR Awards by ScareCON.
Both horror award nominations are in ScareCon’s "Big Three" categories, and includes the final and prestigious category of ‘Best Halloween Attraction’. Continue reading “ScareCon SCAR Award Nominations for FearFest-Evil”
Limited spaces left for FearFest-Evil 2018
The remaining time slots for FearFest-Evil are filling up!
Friday 26th October
• 7:30pm 4 spaces remaining
Saturday 27th October
• 6:30pm FULL
• 7:30pm FULL
• 8:30pm FULL
• 9:30pm limited space
Some of the other time slots have more spaces, but they are filling up fast, so don’t delay!
Daytime ‘scare-free’ tour of the FearFest-Evil scare zones
"The House of the Horrors was easily one of the most impressively designed and themed scare attractions we have ever experienced"
On Sunday 28th October we are offering the opportunity to have a daytime ‘scare-free’ tour of the FearFest-Evil site, whilst the creatures of the night are sleeping.
These strictly limited groups of a maximum of 20 people will be taken around the FearFest-Evil Scare Zones by the ‘Caretaker’ and given the chance to look in detail at the sets.
Continue reading “Daytime ‘scare-free’ tour of the FearFest-Evil scare zones”Scare Tour Review of FearFest-Evil
The team from ScareTour visited FearFest-Evil and have just published their comprehensive review of FearFest-Evil…The Rising.
Continue reading “Scare Tour Review of FearFest-Evil”"This year we were very nearly close to complaining there were too many scares. We were literally terrorised through whole sections of the route, and our screams must have echoed for miles!"
Win a Halloween date with a FearFest-Evil creature of the night!
If you’re fed up with dating sites, or just want an interesting night out with someone new, we have the perfect prize for you…
On Halloween night you could be joining one of the creatures from FearFest-Evil’s House of Horrors for an evening of fun and terror!
Continue reading “Win a Halloween date with a FearFest-Evil creature of the night!”The Rising has begun!
Screaming… Running… Crying… Begging for Mercy.
Once you enter FearFest-Evil your flesh is ours!
The Rising has begun.
Continue reading “The Rising has begun!”Vlog describes FearFest-Evil as the “UK’s most intense scare attraction”
FearFest-Evil has featured on the Luke Farmer Vlog, describing it as the UK’s most intense scare attraction!
It’s a great Vlog and really captures some of the Scare Zones, characters and poor Luke’s fear perfectly!
Spoiler Alert! Please note that this video shows footage from the event itself and from inside the actual scare zones. Enjoy if you dare! Continue reading “Vlog describes FearFest-Evil as the “UK’s most intense scare attraction””
The Rising of a mysterious Crypt in Coombesbury Woods

According to local Chepstow folklore, at midnight on Hallows Eve in 1587, a gateway opened at in a long forgotten crypt. The crypt was hidden deep within Coombesbury Woods and the gateway was described as being a corridor “from this world to the depths of hell”.
Stories tell of a group of priests known as the ‘Eye Brotherhood’ who located themselves on the doorway in defence of the breach. As midnight arrived, a mysterious light appeared, blinding the men for a brief moment. When they regained their vision, the gateway had closed and surrounding them, the ground was covered in half-buried wooden crosses. Continue reading “The Rising of a mysterious Crypt in Coombesbury Woods”
FearFest-Evil the ultimate scare experience returns to Chepstow October
The Evil has risen and it wants you! Continue reading “FearFest-Evil the ultimate scare experience returns to Chepstow October”